Cory-Net Ltd.
H7100 Szekszárd, Rákóczi 70.
Tel: +36 74 528-955
Fax: +36 74 528-956
v1.6 - 000324

Application form

To apply for a public Internet domain delegation

Domain name: 
If it's a trademark,
the registration number of it:
Full name of the Registrant: 
Postal address of the Registrant: 
Legal status of the Registrant (check one)
  • Commercial
  • Educational / Scientific
  • Networking
  • Other organization
  • Person

Administrative contact person appointed by the Registrant

Postal address: 
E-mail address: 

With the submission of the Registration form, I declare that

  1. I know the Rules and accept the decision of the Registrar and the Administrator. I accept that I apply for the domain delegation for my own risk, and that neither the Administrator nor the Registrar is responsible for the possible direct or indirect damages caused by the delegation or the rejection, renouncement, suspension or cancellation of the domain name;
  2. only I am responsible for the choice, meaning and usage of the applied name, and I take the consequences. The Administrator and/or Registrar is not abliged to check the chosen name and to examine its lawfulness in any way. In case someone claims against the Registrar and/or the Administrator, I will take their role, and (if it is impossible) I will give assistance in their defence against the claim;
  3. I exempt the Administrator and/or the Registrars from any costs deriving from a legal dispute, damage, or claim concerning the domain delegated to me, from the registration and delegation process, or from the choice, meaning and usage of the domain name. I do every effort to protect the Administrator and the Registrars from any injury;
  4. I have chosen the domain name as carefully as possible, and I ensure that the chosen name or its usage does not infringe the rights of any third person or organization (e.g. right to the exclusivity of the name, personal right, right of reverence, copyright, etc.). If such an infringement is discovered, I will renounce the name. I accept that the registry database and the trademark database of the Hungarian Patent Office is accessible by calling the 06-80-345678 toll-free domestic telephone number or at the address, for the purpose of checking;
  5. I agree to that the Administrator and Registrars handle every information indicated on the Application Form as public, according to the conventions on the Internet.
  6. I accept that in case of a disagreement concerning the eligibility of a chosen domain name, the Registrar refers itself to the decision of the Advisory Council. The decision is asked by the Registrar on the motion of the Registrant and/or the third party making a complaint, after paying the expenses of the Advisory Council.
  7. in case of a disagreement concerning either the delegation and registration of the domain or the effort of the signed provider contract, as well as the existence and accomplishment of rights and charges deriving from this contract, I refer myself to the decision of the Arbitration Panel supported by the Administrator. The Arbitration Panel judges the debate with the effect of a non-appealable, according to the concerning rules of procedure published on the Web Server.

readable name of the Registrant's representative Registrant's signature


Attached documents (if any):

Application form - Technical appendix

(It is suggested to consult with the Registrar before completing it.)

Technical contact person appointed by the Registrant

Postal address: 
E-mail address: 
Name of the primary name server: 
Its IP address: 
Name of the secondary name server: 
Its IP address: 

Name of the Registrar: Cory-Net Ltd., Szekszárd

©Copyright 2000, Cory-Net Kft.