My name is Csaba Sárhegyi. I am from Hungary and I live in Dombóvár. Due to some complications during my birth I have a disability called Cerebral Palsy and use a wheelchair to get around. When I was born (1968) nobody noticed that the part of my central nervous system that is responsible for movement was damaged. The symptoms came later: due to involuntary movements it requires a concentrated effort from me to more or less control my movements. This means that I need help with daily tasks.

I finished grade school, but unfortunately I was not able to go on to secondary school doe to technical reasons. I learned German and English later by myself and also taught myself to type, then later on to drive a car.

Thanks to this I was able to participate in a somewhat normal social life: I travelled, made friends, became part of my local community, belonged to a religious organization, I was interested in the world around me. I have read many books with various themes just for my own pleasure, mainly literature, studies and books on psychology.

At 26 I wrote a book that’s partly an autobiography, but I also deal with the complicated relationships between disabled and able bodied people. My main motivation to write the book was to explore the questions and possible answers and solutions about the integration of disabled people into mainstream society – based on my own experience.

During this time I obtained my secondary school diploma and tried to apply to a college to study German language and literature but I could not find a higher educational institution that would have accommodated my special needs at the entrance exam. (I can only write lying in a prone position using a computer or a typewriter.)

With time the computer has become an indispensable device in exploring and developing my abilities. I enjoyed editing music, then later on videos, creating graphics and web pages.

My ideology was mainly formed by Christian values but did not become fixed in any religious organizations or churches system of beliefs since I could not accept denominational partiality nor self-righteousness. I know that there is a Creator, there is a war between Good and Evil and Providence taking care of humans.