Albert Kenessey Primary Shool und Kindergarten

There are 120 students in the eight classes of the primary school. Thirteen teachers are responsible for educating the children. After lessons all the students can choose afternoon activities according to their interests. In the course of study groups pupils can improve their German, computer and traffic knowledge and also can acquire the base of a healthy way of life. We also have a drama group, folk dance group and a craftsman study group. Footballers and athletes of the village have achieved outstanding results in national competitions.


The community of teachers, students and parents take care of old habits and create new ones. The school year is opened and closed in solemnity. Santa Clause is expected by the whole school and the kindergarten and we all wait for Christmas together. When it is the carnival time, we put on fancy dresses. One day of the school year students take the direction over from teachers.



There are 60 children divided into three groups in the kindergarten. Three kindergarten teachers and three nurses educate the little kids.

In 2000 our institution adopted the name of Albert Kenessey who was born in the village.

In den Kindergarten gehen sechzig Kinder in insgesamt drei Gruppen. Drei Kindergärtnerinnen und drei Betreuerinnen beschäfti-gen sich mit ihnen.

Unsere Einrichtung nahm im Jahr 2000 den Namen des bekannten, hier geborenen, Albert Kenessey an.

